My name is Adrianne P and I’m a recovering Addict. I was born with alcohol in my blood. I was a lost child at fifteen years old. I never finished High School and dropped out in 10th grade. My attendance was the cause of me failing out! Because of this I smoked marijuana, drank and partied every weekend. This soon turned into using cocaine and taking barbituits. By the time I was twenty-one I used whatever I could and did whatever I needed to get high. I hustled and did ten years in and out of the County jail. Plus the eight years of prison times added up. I came home and maxed out of a five year prison sentence. Behavior problems gave me a penalty of Max. I drank that first drink as a substitute for drugs and it sent me off to the races. The Dr. said you are about to have a slight heart attack so I should stop shooting and snorting coke. So I went to smoking crack. Braking antennas on a car for a stem became a regular hobby of mine. Every time I’d Pray to God, Lord I’ll quit if you ever get me off this crazy train again!
I was told I have alcohol roots and if the person died before I got sober then I’ll Always be on alcoholic. However, if I quit before the person put the hex on me died then I will be free and the spell would be broken. I used fifteen years out of the thirty five I have been alive! I am fifty-six now and one third of that was spent in jails, prisons, detoxes and rehabs! My first relapse was my last, with a DUI, Surcharge which turned into Money Money Money!!
By God’s Grace and Mercy I was saved in 2001. I was pushing my dirty laundry in a shopping cart and the facility said come in because they had washers. So I couldn’t come up with an excuse and I was put into a transitional housing facility. I had to make four meetings a week, couldn’t hang out with people, places or things. After somebody telling me you’re the first person I met that lived on the street for four years and is still living! I was like a diehard battery! NA gave me my tools and through the guidelines I worked the steps. I also prayed to my higher power on a Spiritual level. With this I was able to finish my program. I graduated High School. I have a $975 a month apartment, Sponsor, Sponsie sisters, and a Grand Sponsor. NA loved me when I didn’t love myself! I am seven years clean as of July 11th. Even reunited with my children who was adopted and last name changed. I’m grateful for NA. I tell this story so I can give anyone hope and be an example that you don’t have to take the path I took. I loved everyone but lost myself. Today I have God, self, my children, Family, friends, Sponsor, organizations, Church and NA meetings. There is also the hospital staff and school staff!
I Pray almost every day.
Adrianne P